Be especially careful when walking dogs in the woods this time of year when coyotes are rearing pups. Keep dogs on a leash. Dogs can be viewed as a threat to their young. If you are approached by a protective coyote while walking a your dog, back out and leave the area. For information about dealing with coyote encounters, click here. If you have an encounter with a coyote, please fill out a trail report.
During April, a large portion of the Ruins on the White Trail at Mt. Archer Woods was cleared of invasive Japanese barberry, other invasives and large fallen tree debris, thanks to the hard work of many volunteers. Take a walk there to check it out! We greatly appreciate the volunteers who contribute many hours to maintaining our beautiful preserves. photo by Wendolyn Hill.

At the Lyme Land Trust Annual Meeting on April 15, President John Pritchard presided over the meeting. The membership re-elected current directors Wendolyn Hill, George Lombardino, John Pritchard, and Milt Walters. Milt Walters explained how joining the Heritage Society can be mutually beneficial to the Trust and your legacy through planned giving. Following the business portion of the meeting, the attendees were treated to an astounding slide show of baby waterbirds by renowned wildlife photographer, William Burt.
Download the My Town Trails App and never again be lost in the preserves of Lyme. The Town And Land Trust have teamed up with My Town Trails to provide an interactive map for mobile device users. Each preserve map displays all the trails in an aerial or road view with the ability to track your location on a trail. Let us know what you think.