Dear Fellow Land Trust Members:
We regret to inform you that our valued colleague, Milt Walters, has died. Milt had a long and extremely effective tenure on the Land Trust Board. He was one of those rarest of all charitable board members — he loved fund raising. Many of you have first-hand knowledge that, unlike most of us, he enjoyed asking people to support the causes in which he believed so deeply. As the long-time Chair of our Philanthropy Committee, the funds Milt raised went toward the acquisition of properties (most recently our Thach and Brockway/Hawthorne Preserves), to the Land Trust’s general operating needs and to grow our endowment.
Milt was particularly focused on securing the long term financial health of the Land Trust, recognizing that our property stewardship obligations run in perpetuity. He both created and championed our endowment fund. And he was tireless in promoting participation in our Heritage Society, whose members have notified us of their planned giving intentions.
To honor Milt’s long, effective and consequential service, and particularly his very successful efforts to grow our endowment fund, the Land Trust Board recently voted to name it the “Milton J. Walters Endowment Fund.” This recognition will be reflected in our upcoming Annual Report and in the Land Trust’s next Newsletter.
We will all miss Milt’s energy, devotion, wisdom and friendship.
John Pritchard, Board Chair
Kristina White, Executive Director
July 18, 2021