Reed Landing is a small open space property owned by the Town of Lyme on the bank of the Eightmile River in the heart of the Old Hamburg Historic District, which affords some of the most beloved scenic views in Lyme. The property is open to the public for wildlife viewing, fishing, and kayak or canoe launch. It had been maintained as a mowed grass lawn. The shallow roots of the turf grass and sparse leaf cover did little to impede stormwater that flows from Joshuatown Road and Old Hamburg Road. In May 2022, the Lyme Pollinator Pathway, with the professional help of New England Pollinator Gardens, and under the direction of Lyme Open Space Coordinator Wendolyn Hill, asked volunteers to help install a dry swale rain garden of native plants.
Rain gardens are designed to slow the velocity of stormwater runoff, control erosion and filter pollution. This project is an educational showcase and an example that can be followed in private yards. Rain gardens can be strategically placed on anyone’s property to absorb and filter stormwater pollution that runs off of impermeable surfaces, such as driveways and roofs. These native plantings not only protect water quality, but also provide habitat for a variety of pollinators, including bees, birds, butterflies and their larva, wasps, and other wildlife. Plants are chosen to provide nutrition at different times of year. And with less lawn to mow, carbon emissions are decreased.
The Lyme Pollinator Pathway (LPP) is an initiative of the Lyme SustainableCT Committee, which is appointed by the Lyme Board of Selectmen. The Lyme Land Trust is a member and supporter of the LPP.
The project was made possible by a grant from the Eightmile River Wild and Scenic Coordinating Committee.