Imagining Lyme – A Visual Exploration of Lyme’s Preserves
The Lyme Land Trust is excited to announce the Photos of Distinction for the Summer 2022 session of Imagining Lyme. We wish to thank all of the talented photographers who submitted work to our showcase gallery. This is not a contest but rather a place to share your favorite photos of nature in Lyme. The judges choose three photos of distinction that stand out to them and explain why. Here is the list of those photos with judges’ comments.
Blue-stemmed Goldenrod by Mary Powell St. Louis (Private Pollinator Habitat)
This elegant close-up highlights the beautiful pollen laden native flowers which attract bees and other pollinators in the fall. The composition of the photograph is very pleasing with the contrast between the cool colors of the sharp subject matter in the foreground and the blurred warm background. The solid green shapes of the leaves and the stem help frame and draw the eye to the flower cluster centerpiece.
Waiting by Kristina White (Pleasant Valley Preserve)
Kristina has captured a rare photograph of a perfect delicate spider web. It is truly one of natures wonders. At first, the eye is drawn to the pattern of the dappled light and dark patterns on path in the background. Then when the viewer looks more closely, the delicate texture of the web becomes apparent. Staff and board members of the Lyme Land Trust are welcome to enter photographs. The names of the submitters are not revealed to the judges until after the Photos of Distinction are chosen.
Foggy Tree by Lindsay Pettinicchi (Selden Creek Preserve)
Lindsay has captured a sense of mystery and peace in this photo of distant trees on a foggy day. The overlapping of trees, soft colors, and wide range of values create an illusion of depth and distance.
Visit our webpage to submit your photos and to view the showcase galleries. The deadline for fall photos is December 31, 2022.