Imagining Lyme – A Visual Exploration of Lyme’s Preserves
The Lyme Land Trust is pleased to announce the Photos of Distinction for the Fall 2022 session of Imagining Lyme. We were thrilled to have so many wonderful photographs submitted to our showcase gallery. This is not a contest but rather a place to share your favorite photos of nature in Lyme. The judges chose three adult photos that stood out to them and one Youth photograph. Here is the list of the those photos with judges’ comments.
Elephant Trunk Nebula by Parag Sahasrabudhe (Trail 53 – the sky above Lyme) This long exposure photograph of a constellation in the sky above Lyme is a beautifully composed and balanced image. The enhanced colors and shapes lend a sense of depth, movement, and wonder. This photograph was taken by one of the members of the Lyme Land Trust astronomy group. Trail 53 is what we now call the sky above Lyme, which needs our protection as much as the land does. When we protect large tracts of unspoiled land, we protect the dark sky which makes the view of the stars above Lyme clearer than most places in CT. We strive to educate landowners about the harmful affects of unnecessary artificial light pollution on humans and wildlife.
Young Forest in Fall by Rochelle Davis (Private Lyme Habitat) In this photo, Rochelle has captured the joy of a beautiful fall day in the woods. The lines of the shadows invite us in to enjoy the glow from the sun. There is a strong sense of depth as the warm colors of the leaves in the foreground contrast with the cool blue-greens that recede into the distance.
Pileated Pleasure by Anthony Irving (Private Lyme Habitat) Anthony was in the right place at the right time to catch an unusual glimpse of two pileated woodpeckers. The black and white birds with bright red crests stand out and are nicely balanced in this abstract image of overlapping color and shape in a fleeting moment. Anthony is Land Trust board member. Staff and board members of the Lyme Land Trust are welcome to enter photographs. The names of the submitters are not revealed to the judges until after the Photos of Distinction are chosen.
Cemetery Tree by Faith Keel (Grassy Hill Preserve) Youth Entry Faith has created a powerful image of the stark silhouette of a looming tree. The strong diagonal of the tree trunk invites us in and the craggy lines of the branches direct the eye around the scene. With the use of a unique sense of perspective and affective cropping, she evokes a feeling of mystery.
Visit our webpage to submit your and to view the showcase galleries. The deadline for summer photos is March 31, 2023.

(Trail 53 - the sky above Lyme)

(Private Lyme Habitat)

(Private Lyme Habitat)

(Grassy Hill Preserve) Youth Entry