Time: 8:00-10:00 am
Place: Thach Preserve, Brush Hill Rd., Lyme CT
Contact Email: education@lymelandtrust.org
You are invited to a walk guided by photographer Joe Standart, to experience the feeling of depth in images. As we explore, Joe will give insight into his creative process for expressing an artistic vision in photography. Joe is an internationally recognized award-winning photographer and a Lyme Land Trust board member.
The walk is part of the Lyme Land Trust amateur photography program: Imagining Lyme – A Visual Exploration of Lyme’s Preserves, which encourages people to expand their visual awareness while highlighting the beauty of Lyme Preserves through photographs. Participants will be provided with short, simple non-technical photo-taking tips from Joe Standart. The deadline for submission of photos about “Depth” is October 2 (with a one-week grace period), 2021. Three photos of distinction will be chosen.
To reserve, a space on the walk, email: education@lymelandtrust.org