The new telescope by Alan Sheiness
Date: Sat November 19, 2022
Time: 5:00-7:00 pm
Place: Register to learn location
Contact Email:
!!! seems it only displays well the 2nd time? ugh.
Young or old, experienced or totally unfamiliar, we look forward to exposing you to our uniquely dark skies here in Lyme. Our last session was amazing. We had strong attendance, and it included children and adults, locals and visitors. (A family from California visiting family in Lyme are our official farthest-from-home attendees.) The new observatory is in full motion.
The Lyme Land Trust offers public viewing sessions once a month near the new moon. Our cohorts have several different telescopes that are on display for your observing pleasure, and we now are pleased to have a modern 14″ Schmidt-Cassegrain housed in a permanent observatory structure. On any given night, public sessions will be co-facilitated by one or more of our talented cohort enthusiasts:
- Jon Dean
- Roger Charbonneau, Jr
- Scott Mallory
- Parag Sahasrabudhe
- Alan Sheiness
Reservations required. Contact Scott Mallory at:
Directions to the site and special guidance for those with heavy astronomy equipment will be provided upon registration. Park in the designated area and walk to the observing field with its amazing panoramic views of the heavens. Dress for temperatures 10-20 degrees lower than forecast for your comfort. No white lights at the field site, please. For more information about the astronomy program See amazing astrophotography by Parag Sahasrabudhe – Velology blog
Young or old, experienced or totally unfamiliar, we look forward to exposing you to our uniquely dark skies here in Lyme. Our last session was amazing. We had strong attendance, and it included children and adults, locals and visitors. (A family from California visiting family in Lyme are our official farthest-from-home attendees.) The new observatory is in full motion.
The Lyme Land Trust offers public viewing sessions once a month near the new moon. Our cohorts have several different telescopes that are on display for your observing pleasure, and we now are pleased to have a modern 14″ Schmidt-Cassegrain housed in a permanent observatory structure. On any given night, public sessions will be co-facilitated by one or more of our talented cohort enthusiasts:
- Jon Dean
- Roger Charbonneau, Jr
- Scott Mallory
- Parag Sahasrabudhe
- Alan Sheiness
Reservations required. Contact Scott Mallory at:
Directions to the site and special guidance for those with heavy astronomy equipment will be provided upon registration. Park in the designated area and walk to the observing field with its amazing panoramic views of the heavens. Dress for temperatures 10-20 degrees lower than forecast for your comfort. No white lights at the field site, please. For more information about the astronomy program See amazing astrophotography by Parag Sahasrabudhe – Velology blog