As a local community organization, we believe collaboration is an integral part to accomplishing our mission. Southeastern Connecticut is home to many different interest groups of varying interests sharing a desire to preserve the rural and natural landscape that make Lyme and its surrounding areas beautiful. That’s why our success is built on partnerships: organizations such as the Nature Conservancy, NCRS and CT DEEP, along with local municipal agencies, conservation groups, private landowners and local businesses have helped us preserve thousands of acres in ways that benefit the entire community and protect the character of this region.
Balleks Garden Center
Dominion Energy
New England Pollinator Gardens
Reynolds Subaru
Refugia Design
Tiffany Built
Government agencies:
CT Dept of Energy and Environmental Protection
Regional School District 18
The Town of Lyme
Non profits:
Audubon Connecticut
Ct River Gateway Commission
Connecticut Land Conservation Council
East Haddam Land Trust
Eightmile River Wild and Scenic Watershed
Friends of Whalebone Cove
Lyme Garden Club
The Lyme Public Library
Lyme School PTO
Lymes’ Youth Service Bureau
The Nature Conservancy
New England Mountain Bike Association
A Place Called Hope
RiverQuest, Inc.
Roger Tory Peterson Estuary Center
Salem Land Trust
Lyme Pollinator Pathway
Fat Stone Farm
Long Table Farm
Sankow’s Beaver Brook Farm
Tiffany Farm