Astronomy Events

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March 29, 2024 Astronomy Observing Session

Trail 53 Observatory- Details with RSVP

Facing south, Orion has slid over to the western half of the sky, and Leo rises in the east. Beyond Leo, the bright star Arcturus gives the early hint of spring on the march. In the north, the galaxies M81 and M82 in Ursa Major, and M51 in Canes Ventatici are well placed for viewing. […]


Partial Solar Eclipse

THIS POST IS INFORMATIONAL ONLY. A partial solar eclipse will occur in Lyme, CT from 2:13p to 4:37p. Maximum coverage of the Sun by the Moon will occur at 3:27p, at which point the Sun will be 90.3% obscured. AT NO TIME WILL IT BE SAFE TO OBSERVE THE ECLIPSE HERE IN LYME WITHOUT EYE […]

May 3, 2024 Astronomy Observing Session

Trail 53 Observatory- Details with RSVP

DATE COULD SHIFT BASED ON WEATHER- Leo and its bright star Regulus dominate the sky due south. To the right, the Milky Way is well down the western horizon, not to return to the night sky until later in June, this time in the east. Arcturus climbs in the eastern sky, and we can once […]


May 31, 2024 Astronomy Observing Session

Trail 53 Observatory- Details with RSVP

DATE COULD SHIFT BASED ON WEATHER- Virgo is climbing higher in the southern sky along with its neighbor Corvus to the right (west), and Libra to the left (east). Around to the north, the Big Dipper is upside-down high in the sky, seemingly spilling its contents down onto Polaris. We have several different telescopes that […]


INFO ONLY -Planetary Parade June 4 early am

Your news feeds might speak of a 'planetary parade' tonight. It is accurate that the planets will be in a relatively tight line from the sun itself at the eastern horizon just before sunrise Tuesday, spreading out up and to the right. Of them, Saturn will be the brightest and easiest to spot, followed by […]

June 28, 2024 Astronomy Observing Session

Trail 53 Observatory- Details with RSVP

DATE COULD SHIFT BASED ON WEATHER- This will be our latest start of the year. As Leo and Virgo head towards a western exit, the Milky Way is now arching across the eastern horizon. It will rise higher and higher in the sky all night long, and each successive week it will rise earlier and […]


CHANGED: Now July 14, 2024 Youth Observing Session #1

Trail 53 Observatory- Details with RSVP

WEATHER EVENT. DATE CHANGED. Catering to the youngest observers. We will observe before dark and look at the craters and other features on the Moon. We will learn about the Moon's phases and how its orbit around the Earth results in the phases we see. After that, those who would like to can stay past […]


July 26, 2024 Astronomy Observing Session

Trail 53 Observatory- Details with RSVP

DATE COULD SHIFT BASED ON WEATHER- The Milky Way dominates the evening sky, rising in the south up towards the zenith and down through the northeastern horizon. Densely populated Scorpius and Sagittarius contain many dazzling targets. All the planets are below the horizon, with Saturn rising above the tree line only after midnight. If the […]


NEW DATE: August 11, 2024 Youth Session #2

Trail 53 Observatory- Details with RSVP

DATE CHANGED DUE TO CLOUD COVER- Catering to young observers. We will begin observing before dark and look at the craters and other features on the Moon. Once dark, we will swing the telescope around to look at a handful of prominent objects that are visible despite the Moon's presence: The Ring Nebula M57 in […]


August 23, 2024 Astronomy Observing Session

Trail 53 Observatory- Details with RSVP

DATE COULD SHIFT BASED ON WEATHER- The Milky Way continues to dominate the nighttime sky. Objects higher towards the zenith in Cygnus and Lyra come into prominent view. If the weather goes against us, we will move the event to the closest clear night and notify you. We have several different telescopes that are on […]


NEW! August 30, 2024 Labor Weekend Special!

Trail 53 Observatory- Details with RSVP

DATE COULD SHIFT BASED ON WEATHER- It is the kick-off to Labor Day Weekend, so let's begin with a relaxing session under the night sky. Whether you're staying put, having guests coming to you, or delaying your getaway to Saturday morning, this session is for you and yours. Come on out, family and friends in […]


September 27, 2024 Astronomy Observing Session

Trail 53 Observatory- Details with RSVP

DATE COULD SHIFT BASED ON WEATHER- The Milky Way is moving from due south to the west, and its prominent targets are at a nice height above the horizon as we start up. Meanwhile in the east Saturn, Andromeda and Pegasus are on the rise. If the weather goes against us, we will move the […]

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