Astronomy Events

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POP-UP Observing Session

Trail 53 Observatory- Details with RSVP

Exceptional last-minute opening of the observatory to take advantage of some clear sky. Program is unknown, but lots of choices out there. Come on by if you would like. If you have equipment bring it over. RSVP first, then come by. Pop-up sessions could also be attended by one or more of our talented cohort […]


Sept 14 Make-up Session

Trail 53 Observatory- Details with RSVP

CARPOOL IF YOU CAN. TIGHT ON PARKING. As fall approaches, galaxy-rich Virgo gives way to the Milky Way arching high overhead. Saturn is up at dusk, and Jupiter rises late in the northeast. We have several different telescopes that are on display including a 14″ Schmidt-Cassegrain housed in a permanent observatory. Inside the observatory, you […]


October 1 POP-UP Astronomy Session

Trail 53 Observatory- Details with RSVP

This POP-UP session is to take advantage of tonight's clear skies, and in consideration of possible overcast conditions 10/6. The observatory will be open to take some short video of one or more planets, and to observe up the Milky Way from Sagittarius and other objects of interest. Young or old, experienced or totally unfamiliar, […]


October 3 POP-UP Astronomy Session

Trail 53 Observatory- Details with RSVP

This POP-UP session is to take advantage of clear skies, and in consideration of possible overcast conditions 10/6. The observatory will be open to observe one or more planets, and to observe up the Milky Way from Sagittarius, and to see other objects of interest. Young or old, experienced or totally unfamiliar, we look forward […]


CANCELLED- October 6 Astronomy Observing Session

Trail 53 Observatory- Details with RSVP

We are sorry to cancel. The weather controls us for these events. You are encouraged to look here for possible POP-UP sessions before the next monthly session:     Coming soon: The Milky Way remains high overhead. Saturn is well up at dusk, and Jupiter rises in the northeast. We have several different telescopes […]


Oct 14 Partial Solar Eclipse

Lyme Public Library 482 Hamburg Road, Lyme, United States

=Registration Not Required= Come watch the moon take a small bite out of the corner of the Sun as it passes between the Sun and the Earth. Unfortunately for us, this eclipse will be nowhere near full but we will watch the event unfold safely on a monitor that will be fed live images from […]

Nov 4 Cub Scouts Private Session

=NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC= Once again, the LLT Astronomy group will host the Lyme and Old Lyme packs for a night under the stars. The scouts will enjoy a tour of the sky and observe planets, stars, galaxies and nebulae. Jupiter will be up above the horizon at darkness, and Orion will start its […]

LIMITED SPACE Nov 10 Observing Session

Trail 53 Observatory- Details with RSVP

On this evening, the observatory will be closed but cohorts will be out with their scopes. Jupiter is up above the horizon at darkness, and Orion starts his climb in the east. Pegasus, Andromeda and Cassiopeia are high overhead. We have several different telescopes that are on display including a 14″ Schmidt-Cassegrain housed in a […]


November 25 POP-UP Astronomy Session

Trail 53 Observatory- Details with RSVP

This POP-UP session is to take advantage of clear skies. The observatory will be open to observe one or more planets, the Moon, and to see other objects of interest. Young or old, experienced or totally unfamiliar, we look forward to exposing you to our uniquely dark skies here in Lyme. Upon registration you will […]


December 9 Astronomy Observing Session

Trail 53 Observatory- Details with RSVP

As Saturn makes its way to a western departure, Jupiter is well-established in the east. The constellations Orion, Gemini and Taurus now take center stage, climbing higher in the eastern sky. The Big Dipper is below Polaris, obscured by the tree line. We have several different telescopes that are on display including a 14″ Schmidt-Cassegrain […]
