Astronomy Events

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POP-UP Observing Session

Trail 53 Observatory- Details with RSVP

Exceptional last-minute opening of the observatory to take advantage of some clear sky. Program is unknown, but lots of choices out there. Come on by if you would like. If you have equipment bring it over. RSVP first, then come by. Pop-up sessions could also be attended by one or more of our talented cohort […]


Sept 14 Make-up Session

Trail 53 Observatory- Details with RSVP

CARPOOL IF YOU CAN. TIGHT ON PARKING. As fall approaches, galaxy-rich Virgo gives way to the Milky Way arching high overhead. Saturn is up at dusk, and Jupiter rises late in the northeast. We have several different telescopes that are on display including a 14″ Schmidt-Cassegrain housed in a permanent observatory. Inside the observatory, you […]
