The Connecticut River and its tidal wetlands and the Eightmile River watershed have received national recognition for their water quality.
The Connecticut River and its tidal wetlands and the Eightmile River watershed have received national recognition for their water quality.
300 million years ago, a collision between the ancient continents formed the striking rock ridges that characterize the topography of Lyme. Old stone structures are beautiful reminders of earlier settlements.
They provide shelter and food to myriad species, clean air, filter our drinking water and offer refuge from the bustle of everyday life.
The natural environment has always provided for Lyme inhabitants. The Town of Lyme was established by English settlers in 1665.
Sunday, February 27th, 2011 at 2 PM Jenny Dickson, a senior wildlife biologist from the state Department of Environmental Protection, will speak and make a presentation on the threat to…