Time: 6:30 pm
Place: Lyme Public Library 482 Hamburg Road, Lyme CT
Contact Email: programreg@lymepl.org
This slideshow takes the audience on an extended walk through the woods to see the ceremonial stonework left behind by the indigenous population that occupied New England for 12,000 years. Na-tive Americans built nearly two dozen distinct types of structures in our area, ranging from cairns to stone serpent effigies, and these spiritual offerings remain standing in now long abandoned woods. While Native American stonework is widely recognized out west and to the south, New England’s stonework remains obscure, having blended back into the woods. This slideshow, from the book by the same name, comes from photographs of over 8000 objects and ceremonial sites in Connecticut and Rhode Island.
Documentary photographer Markham Starr is a resident of Connecticut and author of “Ceremonial Stonework: The Enduring Native American Presence on the Land” which is available at the Lyme Public Library. Through his work Mr. Starr attempts to preserve the Native and working cultures unique to New England.
To register for the event email programreg@lymepl.org
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