Time: 10:00 am-12:00 pm
Place: Nehantic State Forest, Holmes Rd Parking Lot, East Lyme
Contact Email: education@lymelandtrust.org
Join Emery Gluck, retired CT DEEP forester, and Jack Swatt, President of the CT Chapter of The American Chestnut Foundation for a walk to see some of the largest surviving chestnut trees in Connecticut. Large chestnut trees are rarely seen since they were devastated by a blight 100 years ago. Emery Gluck will talk about forest history and explain the management of the forest. The hike will be about one-mile along the Goodwin Trail at Nehantic State Forest in East Lyme to reach these beautiful trees. Some off-trail hiking will be required to see the second tree. Most of the hike is generally easy terrain with a few ups and downs. Sturdy shoes are a must; a walking stick would be helpful as well. Bring water.
Space is limited. Reservations are required. Contact education@lymelandtrust.org to reserve a spot.
Directions from Rte. 156 in Lyme: Take Beaver Brook Rd. 3.7 miles to a left on Old Grassy Hill Rd. Travel 1.5 miles to left on Upper Walnut Hill Rd. Follow about 1 mile to end. Take left on Holmes Rd. Follow to the parking area for Nehantic State Forest.
Social distancing will be followed based on current policies.
Rain day is Sunday, June 20 at 10 am.