Time: 6:00 pm
Place: Lyme Public Library, 482 Hamburg Road, Lyme CT
Contact Email:
A multi-talented musician, Jeff Snow will be appearing at the Lyme Library to play guitar, autoharp, Celtic Bouzouki and Bodhram. This evening’s performance will include traditional music and stories from Scotland, England and Ireland and familiar and not so familiar, holiday music you just might be inspired to sing along to. Get into the swing of the season at an event that you will remember throughout the holiday season. Refreshments will be served.
Tonight’s program will also include a holiday craft workshop for children in the Chil-dren’s Library where Ms. Natalie will be teaching attendees (ages preschool to teens )how to make fun holiday gifts that they can give to friends and family . Children under age of 12 must be accompanied by their caregivers.
To register email programreg@lymepl.org
Sponsored by the Friends of the Lyme Public Library