Time: 10:00 am
Place: Chestnut Hill Preserve. From Route 156 in Lyme turn east onto Sterling City Road. Sterling City Road is a loop. The north entrance is 4 miles south of Route 82 and the south entrance is 4 miles north of Exit 70 on I-95. Turn east again onto Sterling Hill Rd to the Chestnut Preserve sign at the entrance. Park on the right hand side of the road.
Contact Email: info@lymelandtrust.org
Presenter: Lisa Niccolai and Ralph Lewis
The short hike led by Lisa Niccolai will take walkers along a moderately level path to a small waterfall tumbling over ledge rock. The longer hike led by Ralph Lewis will also enter Nehantic State Forest and continue along winding more rugged trails. There will be discussions of interest to young and old alike. We will learn about the geology of the area, some history, plant and tree identification and much more. Waterproof shoes are a good idea.No dogs please.