Time: 7:00-8:00 pm
Place: Lyme Public Hall, 249 Hamburg Rd (Rte 156), Lyme CT
Contact Email: education@lymelandtrust.org
Join us for a fascinating talk about the important function of fungi in forest ecosystems, with Bill Yule, naturalist and mycologist. He will cover aspects of fungi that weren’t covered in last year’s very popular talk.He has a wonderful way of explaining the complex functioning of fungi and its vital interconnections with other organisms within the forest. Bill will share information to identify various mushrooms by their characteristics.
Register: education@lymelandtrust.org
Directions: Please note: If using GPS, be sure you are sent to the Lyme PUBLIC Hall, 249 Hamburg Rd, not the Lyme TOWN Hall, 480 Hamburg Rd. If using I-95, take exit 71 N (take a right) or S (go straight). From the light at the intersection of Hall’s Rd (Rte 1). and Rte 156 in Old Lyme, travel north on 156 for 4.6 miles into Hamburg Center.. The Public Hall is on your right about 1/4 mile south of the Hamburg Fair grounds.
“For those who hunger after the earthly excrescences called mushrooms.”
Bill Yule has been active in mycological education for 30 plus years and has given many education programs throughout the country. He is a retired High School Biology teacher and Environmental Educator. In addition, he taught Ecology and Environmental Education at The Connecticut River Museum for 20 years and worked on three environmental educational boats on the CT River. He is a member and educator for three local “Mushroom clubs”, Connecticut Valley Mycological Society, COMA (CT/Westchester Mycological Association) and PVMA (Pioneer Valley Mycological Association) as well as a past Board of Directors member of the North American Mycological Association.
Visit Bill Yule’s Facebook Page