Nehantic Native Nation Talk

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Turtle Rock in Hartman Park
Date: Wed November 13, 2024
Time: 7:00 pm
Place: Lyem Public Hall, 249 Hamburg Rd, Lyme CT
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!!! seems it only displays well the 2nd time? ugh.

John Pfeiffer, archaeologist and honorary member of Nehantic Native Nation, will talk about the Nehantics, indigenous people who have inhabited this land for thousands of years.

As Europeans moved into the lower Connecticut Valley in the 1630s,  the Nehantics resided in the region. By the 1870s, the State of Connecticut declared them “extinct” and their reservation was sold. Yet their history was never over.

Dr. John Pfeiffer received his PhD in anthropology from the SUNY Albany and has worked in southeastern New England as an anthropologist, historian, and archaeologist for more than 50 years. He has aided local Native American groups (Schaghticoke, Mohegan, and Nehantic) in better understanding their cultural identity and unique histories.

John Pfeiffer, archaeologist and honorary member of Nehantic Native Nation, will talk about the Nehantics, indigenous people who have inhabited this land for thousands of years.

As Europeans moved into the lower Connecticut Valley in the 1630s,  the Nehantics resided in the region. By the 1870s, the State of Connecticut declared them “extinct” and their reservation was sold. Yet their history was never over.

Dr. John Pfeiffer received his PhD in anthropology from the SUNY Albany and has worked in southeastern New England as an anthropologist, historian, and archaeologist for more than 50 years. He has aided local Native American groups (Schaghticoke, Mohegan, and Nehantic) in better understanding their cultural identity and unique histories.