Time: Various times
Place: 3 different locations in Lyme
Contact Email: education@lymelandtrust.org
Start 2025 off with a refreshing hike in the Lyme woods. The Lyme Land Trust is offering three walks this year. Register with the walk leader for the time and location you prefer. Space is limited. You may sign up for more than one walk if space and time permits.
- 10:00 am: Gillette Castle State Park – Family Trail Time with Tori. Join Tori and family, including 3 yr old Kade and 1 yr old Quinn, for a “mile-ish” hike geared towards families with children under 5, but no age limit! Meet at the parking lot of Gillette Castle near the visitor center. Gillette Castle State Park, 67 River Rd, East Haddam, CT.
Register: vharris1391@gmail.com - 10:00 am to 12:30ish pm: Pleasant Valley Preserve with Tony Irving. Notice glacial geology and its effect on colonial agricultural practices on a moderate 3.5-mile walk with a long gentle incline to a spectacular overlook. Meet at pull-in parking lot, Macintosh Rd, Lyme, about 1/4 mile west of the intersection of Macintosh road and Rte 156.
Register: anthonyinlyme@gmail.com - 1:30 to 3:30ish pm: Johnston Preserve with Wendy Hill: Hike to beautiful overlook vistas of the hills of Lyme and to the highest point in Lyme at the headwaters of three watersheds. A moderate 2.5 plus miles. Meet at Johnston Preserve parking lot on the south side of Rte 82, about 1.5 miles east of the Hadlyme Country Market and 2 miles west of the intersection of Rte 82 and Rte. 156, Lyme.
Register: openspace@townlyme.org
For more information about the preserves and directions. Everyone is welcome. End times are approximate. Allow extra time. Bring a bottle of water. Inclement weather cancels. Check for updates on the LLT website.