Time: 1:00 - 3:30ish pm
Place: Meet at Hartman Park main entrance parking lot, Gungy Rd., Lyme, CT
Contact Email: openspace@townlyme.org
Join us for a post-Thanksgiving hike led by Wendolyn Hill, Lyme Land Trust Vice President and Lyme Open Space Coordinator. We will walk the gorgeous red trail, which winds along craggy ridges strewn with boulders, and return on alternate trails to make a loop. There are some moderate hill climbs and some rocky terrain. Walking sticks are recommended. The entire walk is about 3.5 miles. The walk time is approximate depending upon the group pace.
Snacks will be provided. We will have a snack break on the bald nubble, a large flat expanse of smooth stone with a beautiful overlook. Bring your own water or drink. The route follows a portion of the Goodwin Trail.
Please register: openspace@townlyme.org
Map and brochure of Hartman Park. Rain cancels.
Directions: The main entrance to Hartman Park is about 1.25 miles north of the intersection of Beaver Brook Rd. and Gungy Rd.
The Goodwin Trail, overseen by the Eightmile River Wild & Scenic Coordinating Committee, is a an extended trail system crossing four towns: East Haddam, Salem, Lyme and East Lyme. Dr. Richard H. Goodwin (1911-2007) was president of the Nature Conservancy from 1956 to 1958 and again from 1964 to 1966. The Nature Conservancy, a nonprofit organization, was started in 1951, and Dr. Goodwin was one of its founders. Since then, it has protected 15 million acres of land in the United States and 102 million acres in 29 other countries.