Time: 9:00 to 11:00 am
Place: Hartman Park, Gungy Rd, Lyme, CT
Contact Email: openspace@townlyme.org
Please join us for a volunteer work party at Hartman Park. Help put together a wooden plank walkway in a seasonally wet area of Hartman Park. We are looking for strong people to help carry planks in and help assemble. Walkway work will be designed and directed by Ben Kegley.
We will also tackle a few less strenuous jobs – cutting back along the trail and invasive plant removal.
Please bring good work gloves and your own water. We will provide a snack. Wear sturdy shoes. For the trail work and invasive tackling, we need one light weight chain saw, clippers, hand-saws, and/or pick-axes, etc. Let us know which job you would like to help with. Rain cancels.
Please email openspace@townlyme.org if you are planning to come. It is OK to just stop in and help for all or part of the time.