Volunteer Work Party at Mt Archer Woods

Date: Thu May 3, 2018
Time: 9:30 am-12:00 pm
Place: Mt Archer Woods Preserve
Contact Email: openspace@townlyme.org
!!! seems it only displays well the 2nd time? ugh.

Tools of the tradeMt Archer RuinsBandA2

Please join us  from 9:30 to 12:00 for a work party at Mt. Archer Woods Preserve in Lyme to continue clean-up of the historic ruins area. Come for all or part of the time. Bring heavy-duty work gloves, loppers and any other tools that you think will be helpful to remove invasives and clean up fallen limbs. Chain saws and power pruners are welcome.

The ruins are a little more than a half-mile in on the white trail. There will be refreshments!

Park at the Main Parking Lot of Mt Archer Woods on Mt Archer Road in Lyme.
Directions from Rte 156:
Rt. 156 north to Mt. Archer Road. Left onto Mt Archer Road. Go one mile on Mt Archer Road (bear left up the big hill). The parking lot is down a long driveway on the left, the 4th long driveway after you start up the hill. Look for the stone post marker that has “Mt Archer Woods Town of Lyme” written on it. It faces the road, so you can’t read it until you are on top of it. (If you get to 100 Mt. Archer Road, you have gone too far).

Please let me know if you are planning to be there. openspace@townlyme.org

Photos by Wendolyn Hill, work party on April 10, 2016

Tools of the tradeMt Archer RuinsBandA2

Please join us  from 9:30 to 12:00 for a work party at Mt. Archer Woods Preserve in Lyme to continue clean-up of the historic ruins area. Come for all or part of the time. Bring heavy-duty work gloves, loppers and any other tools that you think will be helpful to remove invasives and clean up fallen limbs. Chain saws and power pruners are welcome.

The ruins are a little more than a half-mile in on the white trail. There will be refreshments!

Park at the Main Parking Lot of Mt Archer Woods on Mt Archer Road in Lyme.
Directions from Rte 156:
Rt. 156 north to Mt. Archer Road. Left onto Mt Archer Road. Go one mile on Mt Archer Road (bear left up the big hill). The parking lot is down a long driveway on the left, the 4th long driveway after you start up the hill. Look for the stone post marker that has “Mt Archer Woods Town of Lyme” written on it. It faces the road, so you can’t read it until you are on top of it. (If you get to 100 Mt. Archer Road, you have gone too far).

Please let me know if you are planning to be there. openspace@townlyme.org

Photos by Wendolyn Hill, work party on April 10, 2016