Time: 4:00-5:30 pm
Place: Banningwood Preserve. 19 Town St., Lyme CT
Contact Email: regan@reganstacey.com
Renew your connection with yourself and the Earth as we tap into nature’s rhythms and the four elements of earth, fire, water, and air on a guided meditative walk. A small closing ceremony will take place at the water’s edge as we then prepare for our return walk along the illuminated path. A restorative time of year, the winter solstice marks a solar turning point, where the darkest day turns the corner to renewed light and we welcome the season of winter—a rebirth of the sun. The walk is less than one mile over easy to moderate terrain.
Register here. (Please consider a donation to the walk leader when you register.)
Regan Stacey is an artist and environmentalist whose passion is to reconnect humans to nature for the betterment of themselves, their communities, and our beautiful planet, Earth. Through her private practice, she offers forest bathing walks, spiritual life coaching, and mindfulness training. She is also co-founder of The Forest Therapy School, training forest therapy guides to share this work around the world. Find out more about her work at reganstacey.com