Become a Member
or renew your membership today
The Land Trust depends on your support to conserve the natural, scenic and cultural resources of Lyme. Support from individuals, demonstrated by high membership levels, also helps LLT secure outside funding for large projects by proving a broad base of support from our community.
Community support is integral to the success of everything we do. We have protected over 3,000 acres of land, and within this matrix of open space there are a variety of trails throughout town, access to fishing and swimming, hunting, farming, and areas for simple peaceful contemplation.
For the land trust, once land is protected the real work begins. The Trust commits to protecting the conservation values of a property in perpetuity. Every year, a steward visits each property to ensure the terms of an easement are met or that conservation objectives are upheld. General maintenance includes boundaries that need to be marked; trails, gates and signs to be maintained; keeping records and documentation of our visits; and the list goes on. With your support we can continue to protect the unique vistas, wooded hills, and wildlife habitat that encompass the very essence of what makes Lyme special.
Become a Member or Renew Online
Please consider becoming a member of our President’s Circle at the $1000 level. Our membership year is from July 1 – June 30.
There are many ways to support the Lyme Land Trust:
Donate – an opportunity to support a special fundraising effort or just let us know we should keep up the good work.
Memorial Gifts – This is a special way to pay tribute to a loved one that has passed.
Honorary Gifts – Sometimes a gift in someone’s honor is the perfect way to celebrate an accomplishment.
Volunteer – Your time is valuable, we know that. We are very grateful to our supporters who give their time.
Gifts of Land – Create a lasting legacy with a gift of land.
Planned Giving – There are often tax advantages to including the Land Trust in your estate planning.