Your donation helps Lyme Land Trust do the work you believe in. A contribution to the general fund is always appreciated but if you have a special interest area donations can be directed to dedicated funds for land acquisition or stewardship.
H. Templeton Brown Land Acquisition Fund
To honor the late Temp Brown, Vice President of the Land Trust and Chair of the Preservation Committee, donations to the Land Acquisition Fund are earmarked for the purchase of land or occasionally easements to protect important properties.
Rufus Barringer Fund for Stewardship
Created in 2004 in memory of Rufus Barringer, former President of the Lyme Land Trust, donations to this fund are used specifically for the stewardship of LLCT properties.
Milton J. Walters Endowment Fund
Created in 2021 to honor Milt’s long, effective and consequential service to the Lyme Land Trust, and particularly his very successful efforts to grow the endowment fund.
Memorial and Honorary Gifts
Honor someone special with a gift in their name.
Memorial gifts are often requested by a family in lieu of flowers. To learn more about our memorial gift program, click here.
Commemorate a special occasion or accomplishment. To learn more about our honorary gift program, click here.
Please use our Dedication Gift Form for donations in memory or in honor of someone special in your life.
General Fund
Membership dues and unrestricted donations go into the General Fund, allowing us to use the funds where they are needed most.
All donations will be acknowledged and a receipt for tax purposes provided. Make your gift go even further, many employers will match a portion of your donation.