Take-a-Walk Wednesdays with Wendy - also Gentle Walks

Take-a-Walk Wednesday with Wendy
sponsored with the Lyme’s Senior Center

Date: 3rd Wednesday of each month (unless noted)
Time: 9:30-11:30 am (unless noted)
Place: A different location each week
Contact: openspace@townlyme.org

The walks are moderate (narrow dirt paths with some uneven footing, rocks, and moderate inclines) unless noted. Walk is paced to group led by Wendy Hill, Open Space Coordinator of Lyme and the Vice President of Lyme Land Trust.  Mileage is approximate. Bring a water bottle and dress for the weather. 

Free to Lyme’s Senior Center members. $5 for non-members. Reservations are required.  Please email Caitlin Perkins at cperkins@oldlyme-ct.gov or call (860)434-1605 ext. 241. 

Inclement weather cancels.

The schedule (please note that the schedule may change)


Walks will resume in the Spring. Keep tuned. 

Photo by Wendy Hill at Young Preserve

Gentle Walk Wednesday with Wendy
sponsored with the Lyme’s Senior Center

Date: 4th Wednesday of each month (unless noted)
Time: 10:00-11:00 am
Place: A different location each week
Contact: openspace@townlyme.org

The walks are easy, about 1 mile, fairly flat dirt paths with some uneven footing, unless noted. Gentle pace led by Wendy Hill, Open Space Coordinator of Lyme and the Vice President of Lyme Land Trust. Bring a walking stick, water bottle and dress for the weather. 

Free to Lyme’s Senior Center members. $5 for non-members. Reservations are required.  Please email Caitlin Perkins at cperkins@oldlyme-ct.gov or call (860)434-1605 ext. 241. 

Sponsored by the Lymes’ Senior Center

Inclement weather cancels.

The schedule (please note that the schedule may change)4th


Walks will resume in the Spring. Keep tuned.

Photo by Wendy Hill at Young Preserve